Scouting for Food
Did you know that 1 in 9 men, women and children in NH do not know where their next meal is coming from? The Boy Scouts will once again help our friends and neighbors in need by participating in the Scouting for Food campaign.
The Scouts will distribute bags and door hangers with information on Saturday November 3 and return the following Saturday, November 10 between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM, to pick up your donations of non-perishable food items and deliver them to the Pantry. The Scouts also help us sort the items. This campaign is state-wide and benefits 150 soup kitchens and food pantries throughout the state.
Below is a list of suggested items for the Scouting for Food event. For the safety of our Scouts, please do not include items in glass jars or bottles.
- Bagged Beans
- Baked Beans & Chili
- Baking Goods – Sugar, Flour
- Beef Stew
- Canned Meats – Corned Beef, Hash, Manwich
- Canned Pasta
- Canned Veggies
- Cereal (Hot & Cold)
- Condiments – Mustard, Mayo, Ketchup, Salad Dressing
- Drinks (Hot & Cold) – Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Juices
- Dry Noodles/Pasta
- Fruit Cups & Canned Fruit
- Hamburger Helper, Pasta Mixes
- Macaroni & Cheese
- Peanut Butter, Fluff, Jams & Jelly
- Pie Crust, Pie Filling, Evaporated Milk
- Rice & Instant Potatoes
- Snacks – Cookies, Crackers, Jello, Pudding
- Soup (Canned & Dried)
- Spaghetti Sauce, Tomato Sauce
- Tuna Fish, Canned Seafood, Canned Chicken
- Turkey Gravy, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce
Last year the Scouts collected 2408 items for the Shepherd’s Pantry. Please consider participating in this important program. Thanks!