Twenty five years ago two women from Windham, Sue Kling and Laura Marcille had the idea at the same time to start a Food Pantry in Windham to assist needy families in Southern NH with basic groceries. Sue Kling was a member of St Matthews Church and Laura Marcille was a member the Windham Presbyterian Church. After 25 years of operation the Pantry is helping about 100 families each week providing them with one or two bags of groceries plus meat, bread, eggs, fresh vegetables, fruit and some items for personal care.
As a way of marking this anniversary the Shepherd’s Pantry group of 94 volunteers decided to donate and dedicate a shrub at each of the founder’s churches.
At St Matthew Church on Sunday September 24th, a Flaming Silver Lily of the Valley Andromeda shrub was dedicated with a plaque remembering Sue Kling and the Pantry Anniversary. The Knights of Columbus from St Matthew donated the shrub and the plaque. Boy Scout Alex Girata assisted with the planting of the shrub.
A second shrub was dedicated at Windham Presbyterian Church on Monday October 23 with a plaque in honor of Laura Marcille and the Pantry Anniversary.
Laura, who now lives in Florida, was unexpectedly in the area the day before the planned dedication and was able to view the shrubs and plaque. Rich Parow, a Shepherd’s Pantry volunteer and employee of Lake Street Garden Center in Salem was responsible for shrub and plaque selections and arranging for these donations. Boy Scout Alex Girata assisted Rich with the plantings.